The 4 ‘Clairs’ Of Intuition

People often question how I gather the information I give to clients during readings. For me, it’s a process of using a combination of the “four clairs”: clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feelings), and claircognizance (knowing).

Each of us is naturally stronger in one of the four clairs. Read below to discover which clair your intuition prefers.


Clairaudient messages sound like someone talking to you in your mind. This ‘voice’ of intuition will usually be straightforward. It says things like ‘not now’ or ‘yes, this is the right way’. Importantly, clairaudience comes across in short messages which are sometimes even one word.


The term “clairvoyant” is often interchanged with the word psychic. Clairvoyant messages arrive as an image or scene in your mind. When this happens to me, sometimes I will see something I can describe to a client, but other times it can be more metaphoric. When I see a cake, for instance, I know Spirit is acknowledging a birthday. 


Clairsentient messages are the most common of the four clairs and come as a feeling. This is why so many people identify with being empathic. Gut feelings, being able to experience others’ emotions, or sensing the collective energy of a room all fall under this umbrella.


This is the ability to ‘just know’ without understanding how or why we know. I describe this as our brains receiving an immediate download from our higher self or Spirit Team. We receive information much like computer downloads, only much faster!

Your intuition is always available and can have some amazing answers for you once you begin to understand it. Intuition is an ability you are born with. Don’t be intimidated by getting more in touch with yours. 

Be well,


3 Steps To Connect with Your Soul Mate and Soul Family

Given that we are all connected at some level, it’s only logical that we’d have a ‘group of other souls we travel with, this being the only time can you can pick your family. So if you are ever concerned with death separating you from a loved one, you can quickly put this concern to rest. You will be reunited without doubt on the other side. You will only be separated for a period of time while you continue to remain on the earth plain.

To connect with Your Soul Family;

  • Notice the people who light you up
  • Do not discount a relationship as not a soul connection because it is difficult. Some soul family members are there to help you become more authentic and your ego will resist.
  • Be authentic with all people. You will discover everyone has the potential to be a soul family member when you do.

Soul families work to help our personal transformation and at the same time, they quicken our experience. Sometimes they come into our lives as a facilitator to lead us in the right direction. It may not always be the easiest of paths but certainly a necessary one.

The most intense soul relationships, especially those we call our soul brother or sister, or especially our soul mate, call upon us to face our deepest fears, release our deepest wounds, and take an awesome leap of faith and courage into the unknown by trusting that everything is exactly the way it should be in our life.

Understanding the dynamics of our soul family and soul experience is one of the first steps in understanding why we are here and getting to our spiritual work.

Be well,


The 3 Practices Of Spiritual People

Ever notice that spiritual and spirituality have become some often used words. I’m not even sure when this happened. I just know that I hear them constantly. So I began to wonder what it means to be spiritual.  Does it mean we go to church every week or practice yoga or meditation every day or perhaps you follow the teachings of someone or a group, nope that doesn’t make you a spiritual person.  So what does it mean?

Being a spiritual is one and the same with being a person whose main priority is to be loving to oneself and others. People, animals, and the planet all make the list of importance to a spiritualist as they believe we are all one. A spiritual person is a kind person. A spiritual person is a person who is always aware of the space inside and outside of themselves.

The 3 Ways of spiritual people

  1. They Worship where and when it’s right

They don’t need a temple or church to practice their spirituality. Their spiritual ‘house is their body. That’s not to say they do not attend a house of worship but they don’t need one. Their devotion can take place at anytime and anyplace, a forest, a sacred space in their home, a hospital bed, I would suggest it can be anywhere, which in its self is a beautiful thing.

  1.  They See Potential, Not Difficulties.

Spiritual people are the masters on the glass half full, lemons to lemon aid, you get the picture. While others struggle to not sweat the small stuff, spiritual people live for the small stuff.  If there is anyone in the world who will walk in your shoes it’s a spiritualist.  They understand that empathy means feeling another’s pain but not so much that they take on others’ pain. They know you have a story with a happy ending.

  1. They trust.

Imagine knowing you are on the right path and evolving exactly the way you should. When we trust both our intuition and the world around us, we begin to understand that everything is exactly the way it supposed to be. The decision to follow your intuition may be a scary one, but believe me, it knows what your life’s path is about much better than you.

The list could go on without question as spirituality is a very personal thing, especially as I think of some of the Masters of spirituality that I have come to know and learn from. As I think of them all these three traits are common in all but the list could go on. And interesting enough when I think of my own mentors the other thing they all have in common is an element of humbleness. They see the truth in themselves and look to find peace within themselves first. Spirituality is a belief system and a lifestyle in one’s self.


Working With Your Spirit Guides

Whether they are your Angels, Spirit Guides, Creator, Spirit, Source, or The Universe, these divine messengers are our spiritual “life coaches” and are always working on a subtle level to guide you along this life. They will also provide guidance and wisdom to you when you need it most. These entities can be encouraged, through communication, to work with you on a personal level. All you need to do is be aware.

Say a Prayer

When you are trying to contact or connect with your Spirit Guide, say a prayer. Ask for only the highest vibration and greater good. Stated clearly what you need, not what you don’t want.

Spirits Are Attracted To Us, Think Of Them Often

When we invite them into our daily lives they tend to come. Know without a doubt they are there to help guide and protect us. They hear your call and they will come to you. In fact, that’s their Soul purpose! Be sure to thank them often as you would anyone.


This is when you get your answers. Meditation is a practice of sitting quietly while regulating your breathing, It doesn’t  have to be a big production! The goal of meditation is to quiet the mind. If walking in nature is your thing, or quietly listening to music go ahead, whatever works for you. Be sure you are not distracted by taking the dog or heavy metal!

Be Patient

Communicating takes practice much like learning to walk but you did it! Practice often, daily if you can. Being consistent with when and where help our guides too. It’s like booking an appointment with them.


Do not let your ego get in the way! Trust what you receive; messages from your guides are always loving, positive and your highest interest.

5 Ways To Stay Spiritually Connected

What does it mean to be spiritually connected?

Life is an experience. As human beings, we question life, look for knowledge, work on self-improvement and search for the peace and divine. We tend to search outside of ourselves. Yet we already have all the knowledge we need. We’re were born with it however by the time we become adults we can’t seem to find our higher self.
Being connected means being aware of our oneness and staying aligned with our higher self. Not always easy during rush hour or dealing with someone or something we don’t enjoy. When we are connected we are more trusting, less afraid, and we expand our perception. Staying connected is about the good, real and continuous use of your power of intention.

1.Recognize YOUR Creator. You are a part of a whole.
2.Be grateful for all that you have, the good and the not so good.
3.Look for the opportunities to share more love in your world.
4.Become more accepting. With every interaction do not judge.
5.Trust and let go of the fear.

Developing a spiritual practice is a very personal experience. There is no one way or right way and it is a life-long process. Spring is finally upon us and as the earth renews look to renew your spiritual connection.

This is Living Without Resistance.