Dreaming of Your Loved Ones?

Characteristics of Visitation Dreams

I am often asked about dreaming of our departed loved ones, angels, and guides. People share their story and then I’m asked ‘What do you think? Was it them?

I do not doubt for a moment that the other side communicates with us on a daily and or a nightly basis. Dreaming is quiet common as it is actually easier for Spirits to communicate with us while we are sleeping. When sleeping, we are in the in the between place of our earth and the spiritual world. It is a time we have no humanly thoughts, our rational mind, to get in the way. We are more open if you will. We are more able to accept whereas during our wake state we would discount, rational and inmost case disregard. I would love to say that each time we dream of our loved one is a visitation, however this is not the case.

To help you determine if your dream was a visitation I have listed some of the most common characteristic of visitation dreams. Before reading on, please know that you are the only one who knows for sure. You must believe and trust your intuition. Although these are commonalities, visitation dreams are not limited to these points.

Possibly the most important of all the characteristics; it feels ‘real and is very vivid.

Because the dream was so real and so vivid, you will remember visitation dreams very clearly for days, months, years and maybe your lifetime. You can recount even the smallest details years later!

If your dream has more than one spirit they are all passed. Your dream will not consist of your deceased mother along with your living siblings.

The person will almost always appear in the dream to be healthy and loving. They come from a place of purity, where we all came from, and will seldom appear sick or injured. Never will they be negative in any way such as disappointed, depressed or angry as examples.
Communication can be verbally or telepathically. Either way the message will be clear. You will just know.

Most often the messages come as way to reassure or comfort you. They come to let you know all is well and bring their love. They truly want your happiness regardless of the earth bound relationship you may or may not had.

Upon waking, although you may feel a little perplexed, there is an undeniable sense of peace and love.

One of the best ways to connect with your deceased loved ones is through meditation. Likewise, know they are always with you. If there is one thing I could convince the world this would be it. Talk often to those who have passed they are listening, I promise.

Be well.


Working With Your Spirit Guides

Whether they are your Angels, Spirit Guides, Creator, Spirit, Source, or The Universe, these divine messengers are our spiritual “life coaches” and are always working on a subtle level to guide you along this life. They will also provide guidance and wisdom to you when you need it most. These entities can be encouraged, through communication, to work with you on a personal level. All you need to do is be aware.

Say a Prayer

When you are trying to contact or connect with your Spirit Guide, say a prayer. Ask for only the highest vibration and greater good. Stated clearly what you need, not what you don’t want.

Spirits Are Attracted To Us, Think Of Them Often

When we invite them into our daily lives they tend to come. Know without a doubt they are there to help guide and protect us. They hear your call and they will come to you. In fact, that’s their Soul purpose! Be sure to thank them often as you would anyone.


This is when you get your answers. Meditation is a practice of sitting quietly while regulating your breathing, It doesn’t  have to be a big production! The goal of meditation is to quiet the mind. If walking in nature is your thing, or quietly listening to music go ahead, whatever works for you. Be sure you are not distracted by taking the dog or heavy metal!

Be Patient

Communicating takes practice much like learning to walk but you did it! Practice often, daily if you can. Being consistent with when and where help our guides too. It’s like booking an appointment with them.


Do not let your ego get in the way! Trust what you receive; messages from your guides are always loving, positive and your highest interest.