This year has been very interesting. I had no idea when I put “2013 Please Be Good To Me” as my Facebook banner what I was asking for. It’s been a bit since I sat down to write, not because I have nothing to share but rather what do I share? l couldn’t decide there is so much. This year has seen some mighty big changes for me. Things I would never had thought about 6 months ago. Some good and some great. Bet you expected to read some not so good.
There are no wrong decisions.
Ponder that for a moment and then continue reading.
Every time you stop and think what should I do? You really are asking which direction should I take? With each choice we make it moves our life experience forward, it may not always end up being the easiest or the most pleasant shall we say, but a necessary one. How many times did you say I knew better but you did it anyways? Exactly my point! You did it because you had too, it was all part of your experience, moving forward not only your life path but your life experience. Life has an interesting way of setting us up with the same challenges over and over. They may not all look the same but I promise they are. Know that each choice was intentional at some level because this is where our free will comes in.