Meditation Membership Soulfull Sisterhood Members

LIVE weekly guided meditation

RECEIVE guidance to help navigate your week & cultivate new awareness

ACCESS to replays and more with the Meditation Library to explore at your leisure

JOURNAL PROMPTS specific to each meditation

CONNECT with a powerful community

$7.99 5.99 per month*
No Commitment, Cancel Anytime

Join Here

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Each month will consist of 3 weekly meditations on Mondays at 7:30 pm EST and a Full Moon Meditation that aligns with the current moon cycle.

Can’t join live? No problem; there will always be a replay sent to you.

You will receive a downloadable document for each meditation to help you reflect on your experience. During the Full Moon, you will receive a similar copy that will help you prepare for the energy of that month’s moon based on the current astrological sign and season when applicable.

Meditation is a potent ritual for changing your life.

IMPORTANT NOTE: After signing up for the membership, you will receive an email with instructions on activating your membership

*Special pricing for Soulfull Sisterhood Members only