Private 1:1 Sessions

“Karen has a fantastic connection with Spirit. Spirit speaks to her and the accuracy is amazing.” – Jacqeline

Everything is made up of energy. The whole universe and its entities are all manifestations of various energy forms, and we humans are no different.

Our Spirit Teams consist of Guides, Higher-self, passed loved ones and any other being overseeing each of our life paths. Through connecting with your Spirit Team, I can help you keep your energy in check. You may be unaware that you’re holding negative energy. Or you could be allowing external energy to affect your emotions and wellbeing more than you realize.

I’m here to help you with insight and guidance.

How Does It Work?

I tap into your energy and Spirit’s energy, so that I literally become the medium between the two energies. I rely on different signals when communicating with Spirit. It’s like I have developed my own dictionary. I trust my senses. I see in my mind’s eye, I smell, I feel emotion, and I listen carefully to the message Spirit is sending. I don’t try to interpret what Spirit is communicating—I just express it to you.

Private Sessions

Are you looking to connect with a past loved one? Or are you seeking help to overcome your struggles as an empath or intuitive?

Join me for a private session. I really enjoy working one-on-one with my clients. It’s the best opportunity for you to get the guidance you are looking for.

My goal is always to pass along empowering words and healing communication from those who have moved on to the Spirit World. Before a private reading, I encourage you to ask your loved one(s) to attend the session in spirit. Consider having a personal item of theirs with you; this can help improve the communication. Keep in mind, while I try my best to focus on your wishes, Spirit decides what messages will be communicated.

Cost: $150*

By phone or Zoom which includes a recording.

*This price is for an 1:1 Session

My mother recently passed. The four of us were taking shifts sitting with mom through the night. At about 4:15, mom’s breathing became very shallow. I called my husband on my cell to tell him to get here ASAP. We were all there, and mom passed peacefully within a few minutes of my husband arriving. During my session with Karen, my mom came through. Karen asked me, Who wasn’t there? [She said], Your mom waited for that person to be there. It was very important for her to wait because he is like another son to her. Wow! What a wonderful message for my husband. (How could anyone ever have known that?!) It was good to know mom crossed over peacefully and has no pain. Thank you Karen for a wonderful message.’
– Wendy

I came to Karen wishing she would help me to communicate with my Dad that had passed a few years back.  I had tried several other ways before, (including being in an audience with Theresa Caputo) to communicate with Dad so I could make peace with our last goodbye.  Nothing worked.

Thankfully with Karen’s help, my Dad’s spirit came forward and he revealed several special moments that the two of us had shared together, therefore confirming it was him.  This incredible session has helped me to continue on with my life with peace & joy in my heart.  

Rose Marie

A great reading with Karen, she made me feel so comfortable – reading and her messages were so accurate and gave me great peace to know others are with me always.  I went to one of her group sessions prior, her gentle nature and work is such a gift (although she doesn’t refer to it as that) she channels messages from our loved ones. Watching Karen channel messages to others is very enlightening and I would recommend Karen to everyone and I will be back for another reading in the near future.

Kelly, Mount Albert