Caring for Your Energetic Bodies

Last time, we explored the importance of understanding our four energetic bodies—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—and how they are interconnected for overall well-being.

Caring for each is needed for being a happy, healthy, and holistic individual.

For instance, significant stress in the emotional body can manifest as physical symptoms in the physical body, such as headaches or digestive issues.

Let’s look at some suggestions to nurture your four energetic bodies and enhance your overall well-being.

  • To achieve holistic well-being, focus on your physical body by maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular movement that you enjoy, ensuring adequate rest, and spending time in nature.
  • For emotional well-being, cultivate self-awareness, express your feelings healthily, practice stress management techniques, and set healthy boundaries.
  • To support mental well-being, practice mindfulness, engage in positive self-talk, challenge your mind with stimulating activities, and take breaks from screens.
  • Connect with your spiritual side through practices such as meditation, expressing gratitude, exploring your life purpose, and showing compassion to yourself and others.

Remember, these dimensions are interconnected; nurturing each one contributes to your overall well-being.

Start with small, manageable changes and do what is enjoyable for you!

Be patient, experiment with different practices, and discover what works best for you.

Listening to Your Intuition

As much as we are told to ‘follow our passion’ and ‘listen to our heart’ by those around us, we also live in a world that values rational thinking over emotional and intuitive responses (although I like to think that this is slowly changing).  However, when deciding if you should quit your job or stick it out, or if you should move houses or even end a relationship, your intuition can help you in ways that you may not expect.  Indeed, your intuition can be a powerful tool for personal decision-making, so long as you know how to listen to it.

If asked to point to the origin of your intuition, where would you point? Most people point to their bellies or hearts – ‘trust your gut,’ ‘follow your heart.’  These responses stem from the fact that intuition makes itself known to people as an indiscernible feeling.  This is what makes it hard to comprehend the concept of intuition, let alone what it may be trying to tell you.

Yet, you can benefit from your intuition by learning to listen to it. This is not an easy process; it will take trial and error.  But if you’re open practicing and listening, just like when one learns another language, you will come to understand it.  So, next time you’re in a situation and you get a feeling that you just can’t shake, don’t try to get rid of it.  Acknowledge it.  Listen to it.  And learn from it.

Admittedly, this description is vague, but that is because everyone’s intuition is different.  It manifests as a feeling, but it may also work its way into dreams, or perhaps visions or pictures you repeatedly see.  Since intuition is not an exact science, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ method to grasp it.  The best thing you can do is have patience, open-mindedness, and perhaps most importantly, trust.

The alternative, that is to ignore it, disconnects us from our souls, our hearts, and ultimately, our purpose in this world. You need to explain this point a little more

Your intuition is speaking. Are you listening?

Do you need to Change Your Wisdom?

The difference between knowledge and wisdom is practicing the application of that knowledge. You are constantly learning and when you are able to apply that knowledge to your life it now becomes skill and wisdom. Over your life time your subconscious has gathered and recorded all that you have been exposed too with all your senses. Your daily decisions and automatic actions are based on the gathered information.  To live a life of wisdom you must be willing to evaluate the effectiveness of that knowledge.  You only do what you know and this may not be the most effective or joyful life you can lead. What have you learned that has created the world you are currently living?

To make the changes you must be prepared to transform what you think is the truth. It requires you to accept the new knowledge, trust it, practice it and keep your fabrications of the past in check. You are subconsciously matching patterns from the past with the present. For example: You learned from your mother that to be perfect wife and mother we must keep a perfect house. If you haven’t already figured this one out it’s not true. So why do we stay in the pattern?

Reason one, you blame others. You have become a reflection of your world. You tell ourselves that it’s the world ‘out there that creates your difficulties and unhappiness.  Simple but true. Look closely and you will soon see that it is always someone or something, most often from your past as to why you are unhappy or repeating the same self-inflicted cycle. A relationship ends and you blame. ‘I should have known better you are blaming yourself for not thinking or you blame the other person, he did – she did, you are now the victim. Your parents never handled money well and you therefore never learned how to budget, that’s why you’re always broke. Your partner ends the relationship with no warning, no real reason, according to your perception, you have now become the victim.

Here’s part two. Underneath the blame, the obvious beliefs, your moral values there is an underlying belief that you have about yourself which is a direct result of what you learned, your program, and it is a lie. The lies you learned are deeply embedded in your experiences as a child. You may not even remember those experiences, even though they continue to impact your relationships not only with other but yourself. These experiences create a set of beliefs, attitudes, and values that influence our thoughts and actions as adults. You learned that your value is external, not internal. You became externally motivated and you look to others to determine your worth. You wanted and needed to belong and feel unconditionally loved and this was in direct conflict with what was expected. When you experience conflict and discomfort in your life’s are often mirroring back to you the lies you are deep within.

Knowing yourself and understanding why you have the beliefs that you do is the first step to living wisely and thus living your truth. When you live your truth you can live your purpose.


Be well,

5 Practices to Stop the Fear

Even the most courageous people have fears. Maybe your fear is something tangible or maybe a fear of failure or change. No matter what it is that scares you, learn how to acknowledge, confront and take ownership of your fear. This is the way to free yourself from the grips of fear.

  1. Breathe, breathe and breathe

    When we breathe deeply into our bellies two things happen. One, your energy that is being used by our Monkey Mind relaxes throughout your body. Two, breathing tells your fight or flight part of the brain that everything is safe. Instant relaxation and letting go of the fear. Trust me this works well to get us to a place where we can think clearly.

  2. Cancel – Cancel

    Our thoughts are automatic based on previous leanings. Most of which are not true. When your mind goes into the cesspool of fear, stop and say cancel – cancel and replace that untruth with the truth, I can handle this, I don’t have all the information, These thoughts are not valid. This, I find remarkably easy. The more you practice the easier it gets and eventually, the fear will slow down if not altogether disappear.

  3. You Are Not A Future Teller or Mind Reader

How often has fear overtaken your life because of something that hasn’t even happened yet? As humans our need to know the future can be paralyzing. How often have you spent hours, days or even weeks trying to guess the outcome or make an important decision without all the information? Your imagination is a tool and we tend to misuse it. Our imagination and emotions are closely linked and what we imagine can feel very real to us (even when it isn’t at all). There’s no guarantees. You never know how any situation is going to unfold exactly so stop playing it over and over in your mind.

  1. What’s the worst that could happen?

Most of your fears are created in your own head. Have you even sat down to actually consider the worst case scenario? Is it practical or even possible? There are very few if any future events that you will not be able to handle. Look at your past.

  1. You need to have enough courage to trust yourself

You’ve dealt with unexpected and future events before right? In the end, you were fine. Give yourself more credit and learn to trust you’ve handled the future before you will do it again. Regardless of what happens, you’ll make it work.

We like and feel comfortable in our little life boxes’ that we live in. Take the chance and start small, just a toe outside of the lines is living Life Without Resistance.