The 4 ‘Clairs’ Of Intuition

People often question how I gather the information I give to clients during readings. For me, it’s a process of using a combination of the “four clairs”: clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feelings), and claircognizance (knowing).

Each of us is naturally stronger in one of the four clairs. Read below to discover which clair your intuition prefers.


Clairaudient messages sound like someone talking to you in your mind. This ‘voice’ of intuition will usually be straightforward. It says things like ‘not now’ or ‘yes, this is the right way’. Importantly, clairaudience comes across in short messages which are sometimes even one word.


The term “clairvoyant” is often interchanged with the word psychic. Clairvoyant messages arrive as an image or scene in your mind. When this happens to me, sometimes I will see something I can describe to a client, but other times it can be more metaphoric. When I see a cake, for instance, I know Spirit is acknowledging a birthday. 


Clairsentient messages are the most common of the four clairs and come as a feeling. This is why so many people identify with being empathic. Gut feelings, being able to experience others’ emotions, or sensing the collective energy of a room all fall under this umbrella.


This is the ability to ‘just know’ without understanding how or why we know. I describe this as our brains receiving an immediate download from our higher self or Spirit Team. We receive information much like computer downloads, only much faster!

Your intuition is always available and can have some amazing answers for you once you begin to understand it. Intuition is an ability you are born with. Don’t be intimidated by getting more in touch with yours. 

Be well,


The Voice Of The Ego

To live by your Soul means to listen to your Intuition. Your intuition is the voice of your own inner Teacher that guides you from darkness (unconsciousness) into Light (expanded consciousness).


  1. Ego is Logical “ Intuition is Creative

    Often the ego’s voice will sound logical and rational. The advice is based on a past that no longer exists.
    It may sound like, ‘Of course, do this because it worked for you in the past or this method worked for other people. Intuition rarely sounds logical or rational “ it is the creative voice “ the solution that seems to come out of left field.

  2. Ego is Fear Based “ Intuition is based on Love

    Messages from the ego will often be cloaked in fear.
    ‘You need to take that boring evening class to keep your competitive edge “ other people will pass you by. ‘Keep that job that exhausts you “ it gives you a regular paycheck, otherwise, you will have no home “ how will you survive? The intuitive voice is rooted in love “ and reminds you that you have the support of the universe every step of the way. Often with intuition, you do not receive the whole picture all at once “ it is one step at a time.

  3. Ego Sounds Harsh “ Intuition is Neutral

    The ego’s voice is judgmental to the point of being abusive “ telling you things about yourself to make you believe that you are a bad person and not to be trusted. This will make you treat yourself in disrespectful and unloving ways. Intuition is neutral in energy and these messages make you treat yourself in loving and respectful ways.

  4. Ego Protects a Mental Image “ Intuition Protects your Soul’s Journey

    The ego is invested in maintaining a mental image you have of yourself. For instance, you may be a supervisor of people in the workplace. The supervisor is the mental image (ego identification) and with this comes a lot of baggage including all the ways the ego thinks you should be treated by others. If someone doesn’t play the game and surrender their ego to your ego perhaps by speaking the Truth “ ego will feel threatened and lash out. Ego messages will include, ‘I need to put that person back in line “ they need to pay for disrespecting me “ all in an effort to protect a mental image which is untrue. Intuition sees the truth that we are all spiritual beings having human experiences. We are all equal and hierarchies are created by the ego to keep us separate and unconscious to the Truth. There is nothing to protect “ our true identity can neither be harmed nor injured.

  5. Ego Jumps Around “ Intuition is Consistent

    Often the ego’s advice will jump around from one message to the next “ sometimes contradicting itself. It is like a thief that tries every way possible to get into your house. The messages you receive from your intuition are steady and consistent “ you will often hear the same words or phrases over and over again.

Take care and listen to your Intuition more


No Wrong Answers Here

This year has been very interesting. I had no idea when I put “2013 Please Be Good To Me” as my Facebook banner what I was asking for. It’s been a bit since I sat down to write, not because I have nothing to share but rather what do I share? l couldn’t decide there is so much. This year has seen some mighty big changes for me. Things I would never had thought about 6 months ago. Some good and some great. Bet you expected to read some not so good.

There are no wrong decisions.

Ponder that for a moment and then continue reading.

Every time you stop and think what should I do? You really are asking which direction should I take? With each choice we make it moves our life experience forward, it may not always end up being the easiest or the most pleasant shall we say, but a necessary one. How many times did you say I knew better but you did it anyways? Exactly my point! You did it because you had too, it was all part of your experience, moving forward not only your life path but your life experience. Life has an interesting way of setting us up with the same challenges over and over. They may not all look the same but I promise they are. Know that each choice was intentional at some level because this is where our free will comes in.

Recognize, accept and understand this and you will Live Life With The Least Resistance.